Course 3. Remote acoustic massage with singing bowls. 4.5 hours. Language RU, EN. Certificate. vk3

1 287 MYR




Product description

The author of methods - Dr. Surikov Victor Petrovich.
Certificate is issued.

Access to the student's personal cabinet to view the video course (in Russian or English, at choice) is provided. Access is not limited by time. Duration: 5 hours.

In addition, we recommend to purchase the GUIDEBOOK  in Russian or English.

You can select individual modules for this course.

Master the methodology of individual and group sessions and courses of sessions with the use of sets of 7 large (main) and 7 small singing bowls (additional), tinsha and bells. Exposure - mainly remote + contact. Highly effective acoustic schemes. Ability to combine contact and remote (acoustic) techniques. Ecological, luxurious means of relieving severe fatigue and stress. Prevention and recovery.

The circuits of this course allow you to learn how to perform individual and group acoustic programs, including sound meditations. This course is especially important for those leading individual sessions, meditations and working with groups of people.

The sound circuits are excellent for practicing with children, in the family circle, as home meditation concerts, in yoga studios, in spa wellness hotels, etc. Acoustic programs with singing bowls are an eco-friendly, luxurious means of relieving severe fatigue and stress when using high quality kits and accessories in the practice.

The course is based on the traditional methods of Eastern Sound Medicine and the systematic approach of Western Medicine.

The schemes of this course can be used both separately and combined with practices and schemes of our other courses. Modeling sessions and courses of sessions will be easy if the participant has mastered all the techniques presented by our school consistently.

All schemes of Course 3 are aimed at restoring absolutely all systems of the organism and psyche of a person of any age and physical condition.

Course 3 schemes can be applied even in the office, independently for yourself, in between tense meetings and negotiations, restoring your psychophysical state and being filled with new strength for new accomplishments.

In our practice we have experience of application by big businessmen of Course 3 schemes on sets of the highest quality level in between important negotiations for their business partners.

Absolutely all people of all social strata like the sound and visual effect of harmonious sets, especially of collector's quality, and the ability to play such sets correctly and to control the sound of the bowls and the state of the listeners helps in life on many levels, especially in difficult times.

Required instrument set: a set of 14 singing bowls (7 large and 7 small), stick solid 2 pieces, gong stick (maleta) 2 pieces, stand rings, bell, tinso. Additionally we recommend one large low frequency singing bowl. Please contact Healingbowl specialists to find the right instruments for your needs.

Course 3 is recommended for all those who wish to maintain optimal health - both their own and their loved ones of all age categories, including children, especially during periods of increased stress. The Course 3 methodology is suitable for use at home and can be easily learned by any adult.

Course 3 is of value for specialists of health, spa, wellness sphere, masseurs, rehabilitation therapists, physiotherapists, bathers, fitness and yoga trainers.

Course 3 is of interest to presenters of various self-development trainings (psychologists, coaches, etc.). The techniques from this course can be easily incorporated into a training program or workouts, which will add efficiency to practices, increase client loyalty and qualitatively improve results.

Course 3 will be appreciated by athletes, trauma therapists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, chiropractors and osteopaths.

Course 3 is aimed at an ecological, competent and pleasant human interaction with the sound and vibration of Healingbowl singing bowls.


Part 1. Introduction. Indications, contraindications (lecture).
Part 2. Providing the conditions of the session.
Part 3. Provision of the method (tools).
Part 4. Counseling. Identification of the client's request, making a forecast of the possibilities of the method. Preparation of the patient for the session.
Part 5. Preparation of the specialist to the session.
Part 6. Collection of anamnesis.
Part 7. Testing the patient.
Part 8. Modeling the session based on the patient's actual condition.
Part 9. The giant bowl - before the session begins
Part 10. Placing the patient in the session environment.
Part 11. Relaxing the patient with voice commands.
Part 12. Stroking with sound (harmonization of the central nervous system and muscle tone) and arrangement of bowls in the sequence "Zigzag".Part 13. Acoustic circuit "Zigzag"
Part 14. Acoustic circuit "Semicircle"
Part 15. Acoustic circuit "Sound Code".
Part 16. Dissociative sound technique.
Part 17. Preparation for the scheme "balancing the energy system" using 4 singing bowls and tinsha.
Part 18. Acoustic scheme "balancing the energy system".
Part 19. Acoustic scheme of forming the state of healthy activity
Part 20. Water structuring to consolidate the health-improving effect of the session.
Part 21. Scheme for practicing self-healing.
Part 22. Introduction to working with groups.
Part 23. Opportunities for assisted group work.
Part 24. Probable reactions of session participants.
Part 25. Arrangement of bowls.
Part 26. General principles of using acoustic schemes when working with a group
Part 27. Cleansing of the energy-information field and formation of a stable state to aggressive factors of the aggressive environment.
Part 28. Diagnostic signs of psycho-somatic tension.
Part 29. Procedure for drawing up preventive and health-improving course programs.
Part 30. Differences in performing massage in different age groups.
Part 31. Features of massage in pregnancy.



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