Video Courses: Learn with Healingbowl® Singing Bowls
Discover the world of Healingbowl® singing bowls through our user-friendly video courses. These courses cover a range of unique techniques that you won't find anywhere else in the world of sound therapy.
These techniques work in different situations: from one-on-one sessions and group meditations to relaxation practices and various interactions with people. They're used in coaching, business training, psychotherapy, and self-care.
Our courses are easy to follow, with a clear sequence of video materials.
The author of the courses (Dr. Surikov V.P.) is a doctor with extensive experience. He has also studied eastern methods of treatment.
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Course 1 Is Advanced. A complete guide. 13 hours. Language: RU, EN. Certificate.
1195 MYR
Course 2. Himalayan massage with singing bowls, contact acoustic. 5 o'clock. Language: RU only. Certificate.
1195 MYR
Useful Information
Singing bowls and sets from Healingbowl® are meticulously crafted instruments designed to be utilized in various applications, including the Dr. Surikov's sound therapy technique and other related practices.
These outcomes are the culmination of decades of development in alloy composition and forging, a collaborative effort between our company and partner workshops in Nepal.
Bonus and certification training programs, both in-person and in the form of video courses hosted on our dedicated online platforms, are designed for all customers of Healingbowl® bowls and sets.
Educational programs are deposited and in the process of patenting.
Consultations for the selecting branded singing bowls and sets are provided only by highly skilled experts.
Individual consultations are available for business leaders, clinics, spa salons, hotels, and more, offering guidance on selecting singing bowl sets and designing relaxation spaces for employees.